Stress is a normal reaction to the pressure of everyday life. Worry, fear, anger, and Sadness are all normal emotions until they are not manageable and you can't do the things you like to do. Fortunately, there are many techniques available that can help you manage emotional stress.
Acupuncture is a safe, effective and drug-free way to help you recover from emotional stress. Through recent studies, Acupuncture can induce a relaxation response and stimulate serotonin (feeling good hormones), endorphins (natural pain killer), and reduce the level of cortisol (stress hormones).
Acupuncture can calm the nervous system and switch off the flight and fight response.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, energy flows through 12 meridians. When it is blocked, you experience emotional pain. People with difficulty managing the stress often experience stiff neck, tight shoulder and upper back because emotional stress is stored in these muscle groups. Stress can also impact the digestive system. The common symptoms are diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite and poor concentration.
Acupuncturists insert tiny needles into acupuncture points along the relevant meridians to unblock the obstruction, regulate energy, promote circulation and relieve the pain.
From a Chinese medicine perspective, each organ represents its own emotions. Anger is related to the liver, and Sadness are related to the lung. Excessive thinking is related to the spleen. Fear is connected to the Kidney. Overjoy is associated with the heart.